Client Forms

Appointment Scheduling

Need to schedule an appointment at our clinic, or would like to request an on-farm visit? Just complete our online appointment request form and our staff will be in touch.

New Client: Veterinary Services Agreement

Thank you for retaining Skillman Veterinary Services as your provider of veterinary health services. This agreement applies to all horses owned or leased by Client and applies to any veterinary services provided by Skillman Vet Services, including but not limited to, in or out–patient services, procedures, medications filled, supplies, and farm calls to any and all horses on Client’s behalf. Payment is due at time of provided service using cash, check, or CC. We do not accept post-dated checks.

Health Certificate/Coggins Form

Thank you for allowing us to care for your horse(s) at Skillman Veterinary Services. A valid Health Certificate is required for moving animals across state lines. It is a legal document certified by a veterinarian that the animal is healthy to travel and is not a carrier of infectious disease. All horses are required to have a negative, annual Coggins test to receive a health certificate. The health certificate is valid for 30 days from the date of health inspection. Please note if you are requesting an EECVI (Extended Equine Certificate of Vet Inspection) which lasts for 6 months (states that allow EECVI can be found at Please fill out the following form to ensure accurate information and prompt receipt of your health certificate and/or Coggins Test.