Let’s talk about equine health and what’s been happening at the clinic! We care about you and your animals, and want to keep you informed on...
Calling all 4-H kids & families! We are offering 4-H vaccinations to horses that are brought to the clinic on Sat. April 22, 2023...
ABOUT Vetera® GoldXP Combination Vaccine for Horses Learn more about VETERA® GOLDXP VETERA® GOLDXP is the industry’s #1 vaccine1 VETERA® GOLDXP has been shown to be effective for...
Congratulations to Kristen Hudson and her mare, “Moo” who gave birth to a healthy colt in the early hours on Monday March 6. Moo...
Do you know which equine diseases are being reported in your area? The EDCC reports confirmed cases of equine diseases as they happen to...
Even if your horses are healthy now, disease can still spread. We use the nation’s leading vaccines to help protect against some of the...
How exciting it was to welcome a group to the clinic! Skillman Veterinary Services recently hosted a group of middle school students from Eastern...
20% off all dental services when you bring your animals to our clinic. ...
Spring Rebate offer valid on purchases made February 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023...